Patrick Kennedy’s Ambien Spin Already Under Fire

Put aside the developing sketchy facts for a moment. This Patrick Kennedy “story” has quickly become a feeding frenzy of tittilating speculation, and Roll Call’s Mary Anne Akers noted on Scarborough Country –in lowbrow manner — that speculation about “what really happened” are legit because Kennedy has “struggled with depression” and “cocaine abuse.”

Despite the fact the Congressman’s Ambien story is out here in DC tonite floating like a pinata, the actual reporting of facts has been quickly overrun by the cable punditry, and the ap and everyone else is about to pile in big time — there’s a scent of “cover up” in the air.

This story, though, about getting up and being confused due to a “drug cocktail” about the need to vote, and crashing his vehicle, already is being mocked and laughed at. An “expert” on MSNBC has discounted Kennedy’s story as not credible. The “cover-up” is already the storyline…

Fair or not — mostly unfair — this is a big break and headline distraction for the Hill GOP here in town.

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